Rottweilers are hellhounds
To hell with that remark
When you think of a Rottweiler do you think of the type of dog that they say guards hell and the guard dogs that are "vicious" (even though they are doing what they have been trained to do) OR do you think of the loyal, lovable, confident dogs that they are. Kano is a 1 year old German Rottweiler who loves nothing more than a fuss from people.
Q) Why did you choose to buy/adopt the breed of your dog ?
A) The reason we chose to buy a Rottweiler was because our previous dog was also a Rottweiler I feel like it’s always been our favourite.
Q) Before you had your breed of dog, did you have any of your own stereotypical views towards the breed?
A) I didn’t have any stereotypes because I’ve been around dogs my whole life I know every dog is an angel and it’s all about how the dog is brought up majority of the time
Q) Have you had people cross the road/ give you a wide berth in order not to pass close to you whilst out walking your dog?
A) Yes we have. As a puppy people used to come running over. As soon as he got a bit older people changed they would cross over. I recently took kano to pets at home and we received so many dirty/ weird looks I was so angry I actually couldn’t believe it.
Q) Have you ever had parents pull their children out of the way/ closer to them when they have seen you coming?
A) Yes this happens sometimes but most parents where we live actually do bring their children over which is so nice!
Q) What is the most negative thing you have experienced physically/ verbally whilst out walking?
A) Probably the worst thing for me was when we was at a park and kano was actually a puppy playing with the rest of the dogs and then one of the owners actually came over to me to day her dog don’t like black dogs. Which actually made me laugh for a second because I couldn’t believe what she said.
Q) What’s the most negative experience you have had online regarding your dog /the breed of your dog?
A) I haven’t actually had any negative experiences online thankfully
Q)Why do you believe people have the stereotypical views that they have towards (your breed of dog)?
A) I honestly think they have these stereotypes because of the history of them sometimes they’ve been made to be aggressive or dangerous because they just wasn’t being handled correctly and people was using them for the wrong times not as a pet.
Q) What would you like to say to people who have pre judged views towards (your breed of dog)?
A) I would say don’t read or listen to what you hear on the internet or what other peoples assumptions. It’s all about how the dogs raised
Q) What would you say to someone who was considering getting (your breed of dog)?
A) It’s a challenge but every dog is but the reward of there love and loyalty is priceless. And ask for help when needed and communicate with people who also have the same bread or similar ages as your dog
Q) Do you feel that dog stereotyping is talked about enough, if not, in what ways can we raise more awareness?
A) Yeah I don’t think it is talked about enough. I think maybe showing people how loving and happy our dogs are and show they can be amazing dogs no matter their bread