German shepherd's
are so much more than police dogs
When you see a German Shepherd police dog chasing after someone or barking profusely do you think unpredictable, vicious dog? What you should see is a loyal, well trained and highly intelligent dog. As pets they are loving, energetic and loyal dogs too.
Willow is an 8 month old German Shepherd who loves her family to bits. She also has an owner that wants to open people eyes and show them that GSD'S are amazing and loving dogs.
Q) Why did you choose to buy/adopt the breed of your dog ?
So Willow is actually my Mums dog, and she's loved German shepherds since she was younger, and she's had a few German shepherds in the past.
Q) Before you had your breed of dog, did you have any of your own stereotypical views towards the breed?
From experience, the only stereotype really is that they're one of the most intelligent dog breeds!
Q) Have you had people cross the road/ give you a wide berth in order not to pass close to you whilst out walking your dog?
Yes, quite often, crossing the road or wide berth
Q) Have you ever had parents pull their children out of the way/ closer to them when they have seen you coming?
I've noticed a couple of parents pull their children closer
Q) What is the most negative thing you have experienced physically/ verbally whilst out walking?
There's quite a few little incidents such as a woman screaming when seeing Willow and making her boyfriend walk in front of her. A man stuck his middle finger up at her when she was barking. And we've been told a couple of times to put our other GSD on a muzzle, even though we have complete control.
Q)Why do you believe people have the stereotypical views that they have towards (your breed of dog)?
I believe people are stereotypical towards GSD’S s because they are usually used for the wrong reasons, and created into viscous dogs because of these wrong reasons, such as dog fighting or as a weapon. And also because they are used in the police force, people see GSD’S in action
Q) What would you say to someone who was considering getting (your breed of dog)?
People think GSD’S are all aggressive and scary, but that's not always the case, it's how they've been brought up or treated. GSD’S can be the softest, most loyal and loving dogs. Both of our GSD’S absolutely love affection and constantly crave it! And they are always by our side. They're also one of the quickest learners, hence the reason
They are used in the police force.
Q) Do you feel that dog stereotyping is talked about enough, if not, in what ways can we raise more awareness?
Stereotyping isn't talked about enough but I'd love to help people realise that GSD’S aren't all aggressive weapons, and that it's how they are raised, as with all dogs! There's so much scaremongering in the media nowadays, including dog breeds, feeding into that stereotyping even more.